For neurodivergent teens and adults in Louisiana + Florida
Therapy for ADHD/Autism and Medical Issues
The demands of caring for a neurodivergent body can feel overwhelming.
We know ADHD and Autism are associated with a number of health issues - but it doesn’t make it any easier for your brain to remember all the appointments and medications. You might have been called “needy”, “sensitive”, “lazy” or alternatively you were labeled the “overachiever” the “good student” or the “well behaved” one, but now you can’t shake these feelings of guilt or shame when your body is not able to perform in the way it needs to. To “make up” for this, you have become a chronic people pleaser, sensitive to other’s needs…and their rejection.
➯ You might feel sensitive to potential rejection from doctors because you’ve been dismissed in the past by medical providers, or maybe you experienced judgement from your family concerning your health issues.
➯ You want to unmask but don’t know how - you don’t have time for inauthentic interactions (you’re too busy with medical appointments!)
➯ You want to find connection with others who understand your health needs, but you find socializing exhausting and fear judgment from others.
➯ You want to make time to rest your body and your brain (you know the research) - but you can’t shake the feelings of guilt that come up when you try to rest.
Medical issues can be harder for you
Interoception is your ability to sense your body’s internal cues (like hunger, thirst, pain). ADHD/Autistic people are more likely to have issues sensing internal pain cues making recovering from an illness or procedure even more difficult.
You might find it’s harder for you to get over rejection - any piece of criticism stays with you and you can’t stop replaying conversations in your head. With an illness, you might experience a number of rejections such as a disappointing experience with a medical provider or others judging you for your symptoms. You fear rejection from others, but you’ve learned to expect it so you just avoid connecting with others altogether.
Medical settings can often be overwhelming for your sensitive nervous system, with bright white lights, itchy blankets or crinkly paper, cold temperatures, and overlapping sounds of people talking or loud medical equipment.
You might have difficulty speaking up in medical appointments or advocating for your needs because you consciously (or subconsciously) find yourself performing or masking through appointments to appear more “normal” or “put together”.
Neurodivergent affirming therapy can help you make sense of your unique medical needs
Hi, I’m Dr. Victoria Rodriguez
I help Autistic/ADHD teens and adults in Louisiana + Florida honor their body’s needs
➯ Address your sensory triggers so you can manage or even prevent meltdowns during flare ups
➯ Learn to unmask so you can navigate medical systems safely and authentically
➯ Confidently identify your energy and pain limits so you can enjoy family vacations or say yes to your dream job
➯ Build a life that accommodates your needs filled with understanding and deep relationships
Unmask and feel like yourself
Research has long noted the connection between neurodivergence and certain health issues. This can include but is not limited to:
➯ Dysautonomia/POTS
➯ Hypermobility/Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
➯ Chronic Pain / Chronic Fatigue
➯ Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
➯ Gastrointestinal (GI) Symptoms.
➯ Sleep Disorders
➯ Eyesight Issues
➯ Dental Issues
➯ Immunity / Hormonal Issues
Neurodiversity affirming care means that we acknowledge that all brains are wired differently and that there is not one “right” way to think or move through the world. We will work with your brain, not against it, to bring about real change that’s authentic to you. In this work, we affirm your identity and never ask you to “prove” your needs or any medical diagnosis.
Tik Tok diagnoses accepted here! Whether formally diagnosed since childhood or exploring self-diagnosis now, all identities are valid. If you’re interested in seeking a formal diagnosis, we can absolutely explore what that evaluation process would look like.